Fast through the Word
We consume a lot in our life. We consume food. We consume entertainment (TV, sports, social media). We consume possessions. We consume time.
The Bible tells us that we should consume the Word to find God. Sometimes we treat God as something we add to our life. Just another thing alongside work, eating, being entertained, having friends, taking vacations and relating to family.
By giving up one or more of the things that we regularly consume and replacing them with seeking God through His Word.
The focus here is to come to the Word with the right attitude, focus, priority, and goal. Instead of checking Bible reading off your daily checklist list.
1. Pray for wisdom from God on what He might have you fast from. Listen in your spirit. What comes to mind? What is the option that seems the least desirable to fast from? What activity pulls you away from God? What activity feeds your flesh? What activity sucks up so much time that you constantly want to be doing it? The goal of fasting is sacrificing something you enjoy to seek God through His Word and prayer because God is better than any other time filler.
2. Choose what you will fast from so you can take that time and energy and focus on God instead. Commit to a length of time. (A day? A week? A month? 40 days?)
3. Do it. Every time you have committed to. If you miss a time, don't give up. Come back to God and keep seeking a him. Prayerfully. Honestly. Every step of the way talk to God honestly. He already knows when you keep wanting to do the other thing. He knows if you dread or loathe your time dedicated to seeking Him. He knows if it feels like a religious chore and not a relationship. So confess the truth of your heart to Him and ask Him to make the claims of the Bible true in your heart, soul, mind, and life.