Pray the Bible


The goal here is to build your relationship with God by talking to Him as you read His Word. I would highly recommend starting by writing down your questions and responses to God as you read from His Word. Then as He reveals the responses, write down the responses as well.

The Process

  1. Start with any passage of the Bible (if you don't know where to start, start in the first chapter of John, James, or Genesis). Start reading the passage through slowly.
  2. Take note of anything that jumps out at you or makes you think. Also think about the thoughts, feelings, ideas, and images coming to your mind. What is your reaction to the words of God in front of you?
  3. Imagine Jesus was sitting next to you and you could ask Him anything about this passage and you knew that any question you asked would be understood exactly as you mean it. If you don't have a question, if you could say anything at all to Jesus, what would it be? Write out or pray to God that response.
  4. Wait. Listen with your spirit to the thoughts, ideas, and images coming back at you (and don't worry, you might not get anything - that's normal and fine). If a passage comes to mind - read it. If a statement comes to mind - think of how that statement aligns with the rest of the Bible - if it's in line with the Bible and the character of God - that God for His response and take it to heart. If something else comes to mind and you don't know whether it is from your own heart/wondering mind, God, or the enemy or his minions, ask God for clarification.
  5. If you get no response, keep reading. Often the answers come in later parts of the text.
  6. Every time a thought comes to mind as a response to the text - work through that thought with God in prayer.


If you are reading and something in a passage just stands out to you or hits you oddly - stop reading. React to God based on how the Words of God hit your spirit.

  • Do you need to worship Him? If so, write out your worshipful thoughts. If appropriate sing, pray, or quitely sit with God.
  • Do you need to repent for something? If so, confess and repent. Ask God to show you how to live in a way that helps you avoid the sin in the future. Thank Him that when we confess, He is faithful to forgive us from our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
  • Do you need to forgive someone? If so, write down their name, stop reading, and prayerfully consider what you need to do to talk to that person and extend forgiveness.
  • Do you need to seek forgiveness from someone? If so, write down their name, stop reading, and prayerfully get in contact with that person so you can seek forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Do you need to pray as a response to the passage? If so, stop reading and pray as the passage has stirred your spirit to pray. If appropriate, write your prayer out.
  • Did someone come to mind as you read the passage? If its not clear, ask God for wisdom on how He wants you to love that person in light of the passage you were reading.
  • Did a yet-to-be-obeyed command or direction come to mind, where you believe God has directed you to do something in the past, but you haven't yet obeyed? First, repent for your lack of obedience, then figure out how you can obey going forward, if at all possible.
  • Did a specific detail stick out or feel odd/strange/unneccesary/weird? Ask God why He included this detail. Take a moment and stop and listen to the thoughts, ideas, and pictures in your mind. Is there a reference to another verse that came to mind? Do any of your thoughts seem to answer the question? If a passage of Scripture or reference came to mind - look it up and read over it. If anything feels off about apply this passage as an answer to your question, read the surrounding chapters (of the original and new passages) to ensure you are reading in context. If "it suddenly makes sense", then thank God for revealing the answer. If there doesn't seem to be a forthcoming response, keep reading. A lot of questions may be addressed later in the passage.
  • Did the passage seem to contradict another part of the Bible? Simply tell God about the apparent contradiction and ask Him to show how the passage you are reading doesn't undermine the other passage that came to mind. Again, work through any thoughts, ideas, word pictures, or Scriptural references that come to mind. If nothing comes to mind, keep reading, in case the answer is later in the passage.
  • Did your reading seem to contradict what you've been taught or what you believe? Ask God to reveal His truth on the matter. Ask Him to confirm, through His Word, what is right. If you get no response in your spirit, keep reading - the passage may provide refining context. If there is no idea/response in your spirit and the passage doesn't seem to answer, read a couple chapters on either side of the passage that seems to be causing this contradiction to your beliefs. Context often clears up confusion. If you still are unsettled as to what is true - ask God to guide you as you search His word, then do word studies, look at cross references to the current verse, read verses that seem to support what you've been taught or what you believe and try to find verses that seem to contradict. Compare the verses and their contexts. Pray through the issue regularly until it becomes clear what God teaches in His Word on the issue in question.

What if it seems like God is silent?

If at any point you are seeking an answer from God and your spirit hears nothing on the matter, be patient. Sometimes, God sees best to answer us over time - often within a day or week, but maybe longer. Be careful to recognize when He eventually does answer and thank Him for the answer and consider how the delayed answer was better, more loving, or more helpful than if you had gotten the answer more immediately.

If you feel like you are regularly getting silence from God ask God why. Be ready to deal with past disobedience toward God, unforgiveness you are holding against anyone, and any other sin or stubbornness that you have lived out before God, but not yet repented of. God may be silent because you have failed to respond in the past and need to deal with that before your relationship with God can move forward.

Resources I've found helpful

First off, you should never need to buy materials to draw closer to God. If you have any access to the Bible, anything else is a good bonus from God to be cherished.

You can easily use any cheap notebook to journal in.

That said, I have found the ESV journaling Bibles helpful for this approach to reading the Bible. For a few dollars, you can start with a single book of the Bible, to see if its for you: