Listening to the Bible


The goal here is to experience the Bible as many people have over the centuries - just listen to it.

Find a good method to play the Bible.

There are many free options. Possibly even in your preferred translation.

You're going to need to choose a good way to listen to one of your favorite translations. Google your translation and "listen" or "download mp3" to see what is available. ESV has a few podcasts you can subscribe to for free that are just the Bible being read. Audible or other audiobook sites & apps have Audio Bibles. Check any local library electronic catalogs. You could record yourself reading the Bible.

  1. Ensure you aren't going to be distracted. Close your eyes, turn off anything on your devices that could distract you, probably don't lay down.
  2. Pray that God would reveal Himself to you through His Word.
  3. Turn on the passage (don't speed it up).
  4. Listen.
  5. Pause as needed to pray, journal, or obey the Word.

There are so many ways that we get bogged down reading. Unfamiliar words or names get in the way. Verse numbers can be distracting. Sometimes we are going to slowly through the passage and miss the overarching themes and how all the ideas tie together. Listening has so many benefits.